The best times to post on TikTok

TikTok has become the fastest growing platform with around one billion monthly active users - that’s about 200x the population of New Zealand! Because of this, it is one of the best-emerging platforms to market your brand on, and if you’re not on the TikTok train yet, we suggest you jump on. Choo choo!

Unlike many platforms, accounts on TikTok even with a small following can get millions of views, so it has a pretty even playing field when it comes to the possibility of achieving that viral status. The algorithm considers a few things to determine which videos are shown to users. Some of these considerations include:

  • Hashtags

  • Captions

  • If the video is using trending audio or effects

Beyond those essentials, other considerations include:

  • Likes

  • Shares

  • Comments 

To achieve these engagements, you’ll want to post when your audience is already scrolling away. TikTok also favours videos that aren’t more than a few days old so snapping up users at the right day and time is crucial.

That brings us to the question - what is the perfect time to upload your video to TikTok? We’ve scoured the internet (so you don’t have to) and found the best times to post to ensure maximum engagement on your video.

From our research, the days with the highest engagement are Tuesday by 9am (max engagement at 7am), Thursday by 12pm (max engagement at 10am), and Friday by 5am. These times are a great guide, however every brand's audience has different behaviours online, so you should still do some research and tests of your own to see when your audience is the most active. 

Also good to note that reaching a wide audience is not just about when you post, but how often you post. TikTok recommends posting 1-4 times a day. Now, this may sound outrageously ambitious - and of course they’re going to recommend that much, because they want to encourage new content so their platform continues to thrive... Either way, you should test the frequency of posting that both the TikTok algorithm and your fans will love, until you find a cadence that works for your business.

Now it’s time to get to mahi! Switch on your ring light and get to filming those epic videos. And remember, take advantage of those maximum engagement times and be consistent with your posting. 
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