5 Ways to optimise and improve your Google ad results

Review Your Key Words

The key to keywords is well, relevance (see what we did there?). Do your keywords relate to the landing page they direct users to? The big tell tale signs of this is your click-through rate (CTR), quality score and conversions. 

Low CTRs on certain keywords are an indication that the end-user doesn't feel your site matches what they are searching for. A low-quality score could also mean your keywords and landing pages aren't matching up - affecting your results. You can say the same for conversions. 

Lastly, are your keywords serving impressions? If not, you’re just creating clutter and redundancies in your campaign - and nobody wants that do they?

Give Your Search Terms a Once over

This is especially important if you’re using broad or phrase match on your keywords. Ask yourself which search terms are relevant and which ones aren't. Add the relevant search terms to your keyword list. As for the irrelevant terms? You guessed it. Put on them onto your negative keyword list.

There are times when maintaining your search terms becomes a little bit too much of a chore. There are simply too many irrelevant search terms to handle. In this instance, we recommend tightening any broad match keywords triggering irrelevant search terms to phrase match and any phrase match to exact match.

Take a Good Look at Your Ads

A good rule of thumb is to wait until your ads have around 1000 impressions and 100 clicks. One annoying thing about Google is that you can’t see the performance of individual headlines, just the impressions served. 

Make sure to click on asset details, check out how many impressions each headline has and remove any low impression headlines with new ones.

In this same view, you can review the most popular combinations of ads. Review and ensure they make sense and are readable. 

Critically Interrogate Your Landing Page

Your landing pages are critical. Is it immediately clear what you’re offering? Is there a CTA visible? What’s the user experience like? Similar to what we mentioned earlier you want to make sure keywords, ads and landing pages all form one concise journey. Your landing page is often the biggest barrier to conversion. If you are spending money on ads you should be spending money on your landing page. 

You can also test landing pages too. In Google, you can create ad variations, try creating new ads by replacing the original URL, with an alternate URL of a different landing page. A really easy way to test page effectiveness.

Need more help optimising and improving your ad results? We can help. The Attention Agency is a boutique digital marketing agency for ambitious Kiwi businesses like yours. Book in a call with Tina or check out some of our other resources here.


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